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Monday, October 09, 2006

Look Both Ways!

I used the magical magnifying glass to help you see this, but it is a real situation and a dangerous one at the exit of "Backyard Burgers" in Joplin, MO. It is bad enough that there is an arrow indicating a straight-ahead option, but the left arrow is just asking for a collision! Northbound Rangeline drivers be aware! And if you are the one leaving the restaurant, watch for that big yellow "speed bump"! (Thanks, Dwight for informing me.)

Warning! Construction Zone!

Hit a Worker...Lose Your License
Hit a Sign...Hope you missed the worker!
(I wonder how whoever hit this sign missed the mile marker sign.)

"I'd like to buy an A"....or spell-check

Maybe it's a case of the "capital/capitol" confusion or perhaps last week's sign stated a special on Geritol. Either way, this Muskogee, OK business could use a proof reader or a dictionary.