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Monday, May 23, 2005

Finger-lickin' Good!

I couldn't get a photo of the guy as I had left the camera at the hotel. (I hate this hotel, by the way, as it is one of those 'weekly' places and you get nothing. One soap between the tub and sink, you empty your own trash and the room smells bad. I want my Best Western back!) Not like me to write so much, but you just have to hear this story. Back to 'the guy': I was eating at this chinese buffet that is my favorite in Wichita, at about 5 or so tonight and this 85-90 year old man was at the salad bar. He was kind of hunched over, hair outgrown for weeks, had the typical old-man abdominal bulge, and was quite wrinkled. As he made his salad, I glanced at him spooning croutons on his salad. Just then he licked the spoon! Twice! Oh MY! I looked his plate over and he had cottage cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, croutons and was going for the shredded cheese. YES, he licked that one, too! I notified the management and they immediately pulled those containers and utensils and had a few words with the gentleman. But still, I went for the main course buffet before he could shuffle over there! Sorry I couldn't post a "Watch for this man" photo, but maybe this will do. KEEP YOUR EYES ON YOUR BUFFET UTENSILS! YOU NEVER KNOW WHERE THEY HAVE BEEN! Posted by Hello


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